Recurring Events
We're making it easy to update recurring events very shortly (April 2023!)
For the moment, there are two ways to deal with recurring events.
Duplicate the Event / Meeting
When you duplicate the event, you start afresh with a new list. You also get a new URL for the meeting.
You can redirect the old meeting registration link to the new meeting, so people registering with the old link will be registered for the new meeting instead.
Change the Date / Time of the Event / Meeting
This is what we do for our own Speaker Connections meeting.
We simply change the date and time for the meeting, and we keep our mailing list intact. We can then remind everyone that the next meeting is happening.
Your attendees can unsubscribe from the meeting, without it impacting your own mailing list.
What the Near Future Holds (before end of April 2023)
You'll be able to provide a calendar ICS feed, and the next meeting will be set up automatically using the feed. If you change the calendar feed we'll update the time of the meeting as well You may need to refresh the even in EventRaptor to quickly pick up any changes.
You'll be able to set up future dates and times on the EventRaptor site, including recurring meetings.
In both cases you'll be able to choose to use a new mailing list, or retain the same list for all the meetings. This will affect who receives reminder emails - if you keep the list, everyone who has signed up in the past will get reminders for your meeting, and if you use a new mailing list then it's like setting up a new meeting.
Last updated